nurnoch 2 weeks ...
Jo, nurnoch two weeks ... stupid I have the annoying driving theory behind at last and finally I can spare the time for my girlfriend that she has earned. I hate it when I have no time for them. 9 theory class as a whole nor do I have to settle for, 5 I have therefore already.
From next week, then begin the practical hours, to be held but not every day I think.
NaIO, the last days is not much happened. That's why I've written anything.
Have not had regained after the holidays a lot of exams:
German: 3 -
math: 3 + (2 points were missing at a 2 -.-)
Chemistry: 4 + (a point on a 3 missing -.-)
Italian: 3
Latin: 3 +
think it is better, but so you can be first satisfied. If only the 4 + was not ...
But I'm glad I'm not in other courses. Since the exams are partly been much worse than in my classes. In the math exam of my colleagues was probably an average of 4.5 or something. (By the way the teacher with whom I have written chemistry. Since the exam is with NEM 4 Average down. Seems to not be the best exam controller) and an English exam
was probably very bad, with ner 3 or 4 + as the best note. Funny. So, you better look as a teacher even know what you're doing wrong. so all students can not be stupid.
That's it again for today.
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