Thursday, September 25, 2008

Maggie Stereo Wedding

You make my Day

Hey, what a beautiful idea YOU MAKE MY DAY
[info] sterni75 was so nice and made me "nomminiert"
(also still [info] chrissi_00 and [info] kati universe )

Pick 10 people and give them the "you make my day" award in no particular order.
If you're picked, you are charged with picking 10 of your own (unless you've already done it)

superior to time and talk over Photobucket
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ............ .

so were the first I

[info] elaline and
[info] sterni75 occurred spontaneously
[info] kati universe is definitely * gg * and are to
[info] kiratollan * gg * also in the process
[info] coraphee
[info] nicktess and
[info] lore_85 .......
[info] catch_22
[info] karmalicious84 * gg * AND
[info] peach1990


I in Lately I also left no comments, I really can
at the same excuse you. Photobucket is just not my year. Although I am back online and my laptop running again, but for me a very large LJ-laziness caught Photobucket paired with some modifications, with stumbling blocks.

changes is determined again and maybe I find my muse again * gg *

Photobucket still Have a nice evening.

GglG. M.


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