Update # 2: What a coincidence, on this day a brief (and not quite fitting in here) story.
Starring: Klaas & Reen
He's gone and the room empty, suddenly appearing unusually large, white room, where Klaas quietly sneaks by on his way from the very first closed door to the kitchen. More specifically, it must also not bear to look, greets the silence too loud.
Klaas could watch TV or work or go to the Internet or, alternatively, to make friends. He does everything, sometimes simultaneously. And when you get up thinking that it is quiet. And thinking on going to sleep that it would be quiet when he would not fall asleep to the voices of the timed TV.
There are SMS and e-mails and phone calls and MySpace messages between them, and each time must listen Klaas, his best friend that day lives.
The room in which René has not lived until recently, is still empty and has the motivation to have little incentive to do something about it. Reen is perhaps even tomorrow is established that the duration of the train ticket was a hell of a crappy idea and come back home. Klaas would not want to admit it, but secretly hope this is still in it. It may well be buried - because honestly, they are grown men and therefore quite capable of getting along without each other - but it is not entirely dead. No matter how hard may be the winter. It does not freeze so easily. Klaas unknowingly pays for far too eager to keep them warm to hold.
is the silence, by the way, the best argument for Klaas, in order to decide that it is good and long overdue to have a flat. No longer having to share and to always have a room available. Only in the event of cases, of course.
The mail arriving regularly and not for Klaas, he collects. Reen will come soon. Until then, everything is neatly removed; important things to be read on the phone and sent as required by electronic means. There is also no reason to change anything in the procedure. Everything is still just a matter of time. A year (and maybe it is anyway not a whole year last, Klaas still thinks is secretly) in a flash over. Then everything is as it used to be. Then it is back: the common life with Reen.
And so the time flies, tears the weeks to string together by one day with them until one turns up this painful moments when she stops suddenly and throws the silence an enormous shadow over Klaas. He is cold and he do not know whether the hopes will survive the frost in it.
In that very moment unexpectedly arrives a card addressed to Klaas.
addition to his home address for the mail just a huge smiley face in the text box. The motif can Klaas like to Button grin, high fly up the steps to his apartment and arrived there, pinning the postcard in his bedroom on the wall. The day is okay again, although far too few hours of sun and too gray sky.
One card does not remain alone for long hanging on the wall, but gets at irregular intervals society. Sometimes with, sometimes without text. In most cases, but without profound meaning, but rather with the comment that the coffee is here at the station so much that could be purely put a spoon, or that the people where René was asleep last night, so high was that giving them even the clothes could steal from his body without it's would have noticed.
trivial things just to make you happy Klaas.
He is happy: every time he can hang another postcard to his wall.
Then it arrived: a card announcing Reens visit. Back to Berlin! Put the beer cold and make sure that there is indeed something decent to eat (and cook it yourself, except something I have taught you. Everything else is too dangerous!).
Klaas makes in the air and counting the days. Ask for the time, to his friend at the train station to pick up. Again and again and again. Just in case something unexpected should have changed to René's plans. Sims at delay immediately, or better yet, call! Although phone calls constantly to end, they chat and chat, because a) Klaas is an inveterate chatterbox (and Reen also do its part in contributing) and b) everything they have otherwise discussed face to face, have to pack in a telephone call .
When the day of days then finally got to him and Klaas is well-known phenomenon of Reen locates at the station, they are expressed at the welcome embrace each other off the air.
recalls in the apartment solely an empty room on the fact that not everything is as it used to anyway. It might very well or ...?
The tempting bites of hope of towards the evening, after beer and pizza, in Klaas' brain and overwhelmed him. Makes him completely out of context a "Do you really on?" Ask nothing in common with all the supporting words that he will lose more than Reens tour.
René - the ceiling that he wants to lie down just for the temporary camp on the couch, holding fast - frozen.
take it roughly three seconds, in which Klaas rises, what he has done. What he has said. That his heart is stabbed in the back.
But a year is such a damn long time when you share it with the desire has to ...
self about with his hand Mund und dann das Kinn hinunter streichend, würde Klaas trotzdem gern die Frage zurück zwischen seine Lippen schieben. Ein Schloss an seinem Mund anbringen und alles gut verriegeln, damit ihm nicht noch mal etwas Unliebsames entkommt.
René lächelt schwach und sucht erfolglos Klaas’ Blick, den jener diszipliniert gesenkt hält.
„Sicher, ich mein, das Jahr ist doch schon fast rum“, lautet die Lüge, mit der er sie beide oberflächlich tröstet.
Klaas’ Antwort ist ein Nicken sowie ein Prachtexemplar von falschem Lächeln.
Renés Antwort wartet in Zukunft beinahe täglich im Briefkasten auf Klaas: noch viel mehr Postkarten.
Update: I am referring rather a Scaffolding . Who's reading knows why. But after a week with me not to get more, I fear x_x
"Okay ... I do it not '"
" What? "Because he has not the slightest idea what Klaas says he will stop. In the middle of the corridor, with the iPhone in one hand and the ice-cooled 0.2 L bottle of Coke in the other. Heat on the skin, heat in the hallway, heat in and outside the building. It's July and the summer playing his trump card.
Klaas throws him a rare unfortunate view.
Joko raises an eyebrow.
Klaas begins to knead his fingers. His face sets in a blush.
Joko's forehead forms inquiring wrinkles.
"What do not you?" He still has no idea. And pushes "Oh man!" Klaas an almost tearful from, is on the hands and kneading goes ahead woebegone look like in her office. Joko follows him and the answer, he closes the door with a slight kick.
accompanied acoustically by a squeak, Klaas can be difficult on his chair and constantly at his desk.
"Well ..." He It gets not even spoken. The mere idea of it laced the air.
Joko suspects may also pursue and how to do nothing with the heat-to-do lurches redden Klaas' cheeks and climb along its ears.
"Tell me." Encouragingly, as it prepares a somewhat worried, leans Joko directly to the desktop. In the gray area that is shot through with Klaas' blankly before this in the mission to burn a hole in the table fails.
"What happened?" Encouraged to submit to the cell phone next to her unconscious.
The arms in front of the upper body entanglement, it is then angeblinzelt even for a millisecond.
"That with the skydiving. This is shit '. I do not, "says Klaas then ticked off mood and grazed will.
begins in Joko's brain is ticking: The
by parachute jumping ...
That sucks ... This does not
Klaas ...
talking here of a parachute jump, which was now defined in the editorial meeting for the next part of the A-team training? Talking here of a parachute jump, to which Joko is looking forward like a daredevil dog? They really talk and really from a parachute jump, which can hardly expect Joko?
The hand raising, simulated the older an ear cleaning.
"Sorry, I think I hear bad. You said not skydiving ? Like skydiving, what we have in two days before us and what flashed the sexiest, which is really All hottest thing could do we ever? "
This time Klaas' look like a defense drawn sword, and makes more than clear that Joko hit directly on target. Despite tinnitus so no hearing defect. That's good, actually. But in this case, rather badly.
"Come on, you kidding me, but now!", Spewing out a barrage of understanding of Joko.
Klaas leaves the left foot tilt to one side and bobs so minimal. His mouth works festbetoniert, not smiling and not smiling does not, as he shakes his head.
"Klaas, I'll tell you, this will be the O-ber-knaller . The! "
" Is too high for me! Why can not we let it be simple or "Klaas is looking for a solution, but is not adequate," or we let's make or Palina, ah, no idea. "
He will not.
Joko it goes with every second that piles up in this very moment between them and the continued blocking Klaas sits on his chair. Persevering wegstarrt and recalls the nervousness of his body.
It's no joke. The shut-Cola, breathed an audible Joko and raises his right hand to massage the forehead and eyebrows once. How come he can look forward to something like a parachute jump and Klaas so it puts such a huge shock that this has to get open meeting of the reaction does not shut up! This creates something, it requires a lot ... Klaas says otherwise out always free, if something does not fit into that stuff. Joko and would not come in a dream that his enormous face of such a problem with the goods.
"We said, let's do," remembered the younger careful of is immediately transferred to the lower lip biting.
"There might also like to do alone."
"This is not the intention."
Klaas' judging by facial expression, it is of much matter whether that sense is the thing or not. Of course, Joko might ask, what are his friend is afraid, but he does not. He may suspect. Klaas sees it all just very pragmatic: it is a parachute jump. The parachute would not open. The consequence of this is logical.
Joko lifts one foot and caught him around the chair leg. Just to Klaas and chair a little closer to the approach to take. So far, until you take him by the arms and it can draw on their feet, close up to you until it is just about one. Between them, the room falling sun shimmers applied for the area around like a dragonfly's overblown.
"It is not the point that we are going to kill us," murmured Klaas finally to his defense and is kind enough to estimate a brief with the look.
Joko can not help but then driving down the forehead against his friend. At the same time his hands slide slowly down Klaas' forearms until they reach the hands and embrace it cheerfully. The proximity makes the summer heat bearable equal to length.
"None dies here. This is great, just believe me. I mean, seriously, if that were so dangerous, would not every day that I know how many people can jump. And hey, I am yours here. You'll jump, then, open your parachute and then you come back safe and sound on the ground. "Everything is so much lighter than air, as it says Joko. Helium hello. But sometimes just goes a bulging helium balloon will not get Klaas apart. That is why he blinks now fast and adapts his speaking rate on it:
"My parachute one thing, your different."
is given Joko beaten five seconds of anything. It could be because that is their attention at this time does not separate from each other and he can look very deep. So it is easy to make an imaginary step and to enable Klaas inside.
Why did I fear?
And why have you not afraid, neither you or me to?
Would he think about all this, Joko had this biting questions also guarantees 24 hours a day as blood-sucking parasites sitting in the neck. He does not, however, it is painful to him. The confidence he is always a more pleasant society. Even in the heat, even face to face with these doubts. Joko do not like to see longer, no longer in Klaas' head . Know So he changed his stance slightly and kisses his friend. It's simple, but effective. More effective than any assertion that nothing will happen. His lips melt an untouchable, everything is good 'into the other pair of lips, while it rough entangled in a deep kiss.
The questions are transparent and thus gradually disappear; Joko extra wait from the moment when Klaas fall 'eyelids. Just to make sure to read the time being there any more.
There is enough helium to float.
In two days Klaas make his fear to the central point of the parachute-jump approach to Joko him with a single set of the show steals.
A little drama, dedicated
Warning: first-person view with sometimes nasty thoughts
"Tell me, do you have a photo of your little ones? I'm such a curious nose. "This is Ina Müller, who waited until the end of extra mission to get right back to pounce on Joko. Even with the prospect
that Joko could whip out his iPhone and baby photos show all the employees rush up to him and form a People gathered around him. Because it anyway mitkriegt not sow, I roll with irritated eyes and actually saving me the accompanying, burrow deep sigh. Is
containing the same shit as always ...!
"Yes, sure. Waiting, "says Joko with swollen chest with pride and jubilation immediately afterwards a joy beyond compare breaks loose from ecstatic sounds.
"This is just really cute!" Ina.
"Since he has just for once done something right the first time." Our manager.
"soll'n What do you mean?" Joko, pseudo-indignation, while laughing. You're such a lousy actor, Boy!
"Show her in the sun romper suit by Mila!" Our Tonassistentin.
Collegial "Awww."
From the impossible crowd (I can tell but no one can see that all of what you can;! So gigantic is' n Mobile will once again have not) even stands out the green and black dress from Miss Platnum, the next Marteria stands.
I've already seen enough baby pictures and stories is to me not have to give a game like this. Joko if one may believe that the baby could now 'ne biography abbern together, which is thicker than that of Dieter Bohlen.
With a half-audible adoption I steal me from the studio and I am offended because I have reaped no reply. As there's in it just yet Joko and the baby - and for weeks! Oh, what am I saying? Since months ! Is it only now that the baby is there, even more extreme than before. It goes really not a day where someone does not ask for the little one or Joko talks on its own not to tell all. I would suck so grateful if he would focus his and unobtrusive to the media, but whom he considers the private life under wraps so amazing. It's was not just a little request.
"Klaas", sounds my name behind me as I'm almost through the parking lot and arrive at my car. Because I probably 'ne hallucination have (I'm logged off, so why should I call someone, and why should he sound just like Joko? Shit Heufer circulation, you need to leave!), I seek in my jacket pocket for my car keys and find the slight drizzle out here really disgusting.
"Hey, now wait a minute!"
I have the door handle in his hand and would swear still, without any drugs and only because of too many emotions
".. whassup?"'s I manage for a sheer eternity, took part in the air, according to Joko, rauszuwürgen indeed something else. Apparently he's actually running. Not even he has his jacket on. For this inflates the plaid of his shirt with his lungs when you exhale again and falls to the ground.
I raff
"Hey, why disappear you then again so quickly? "
My fingers wrap tightly around the handle painful.
"Because I am planning something?" I lie 1a, which Joko but immediately questioned.
"Every day? You have not even passed! "
" However, only no one has heard, "Can I go
now, Mom?
stubbornness I stare right through my window on the driver's seat.
Ina wanted to see photos ... "Joko it can sound like an excuse that I usually go out over.
"Hmm," I'm growling at the door. The exercise I put aside Joko best, to me with pure intention in the way. I can not enter again. His hand is suddenly on my upper arm
"Klaas ... We both know that my decision has been really not 'easy. "
Oh, we know that?
"The Gumball I somehow thought you had 'ne other decision made," I reply tartly. As Joko has namely me, and hung on his ex!
"Well, this ..," Joko searches for words and will instead pampig, "Oh man, we were tired all the time and have every night too much drinking! Okay? And it is not 'as if you were I do not care! That was with us in earnest, "
" Yes, yes. "I somehow save me from his hand and let me slide on the driver's seat. But I can not close the door. Joko rejects her, staring at me intently.
"I know that this shit is over. I've said it a thousand times! "
's shit hits very well. As I read the beginning of the year that Joko a) again what with his ex and b) then become pregnant by him, my mascot wrestling was just right. I gave him belonging to polish the face. And I felt just a tiny bit sorry - if that!
Okay, we were perhaps not tightly, but we do not have anything. And Joko me hours of lectures held by because he did not know whether he again come together with his ex wants. Baby or not.
My bad, when I bought him that. I had a hunch there directly, where's lead is: happy family with Papa Joko.
now I would probably go nuts if I had not had from the start to a strange feeling, as he chooses ...
"Sorry, I got real hurry," I say, start the engine.
Joko sighs, in my opinion wrongly. He should be happy just as he does most of the time if we do not just have trouble. And that really is not that common (Note: no sarcasm!). The last thing I have that is fixed, are strange looks from colleagues. Accordingly, I behave discreetly at work.
That I just as I am ready to rush anything you nothing was simply the shortly before the weekend and just do away from all the mood. For me, no one can 'nen Strick turn.
"Are you coming for tomorrow or the day times over?"
The question disturbed me so much that I Joko again must look at. Here I note that he is sincere. I read it from the sincerity of the nose.
He knows I like children. And he knows really well what I wish
Heavy as lead my gaze slips back down from him, as I secretly on the lip biting and head shaking in the negative.
"I'm not 'there. I fly away. "
" What? You fly away? You did not tell. Where? Hatch "The questions to me unbidden into the car and sit on my lap. I do not have room to move, auszuparken backward.
"After Cologne. "
" Ah ... "Joko nods slowly, and one on making understanding. Between us, the drizzle of a year atomized in the parking lot. "Maybe next week then?"
He seems still to be extremely important that I am learning its little personally. I wonder why, and what he wants to achieve by that?
"Maybe," I hear myself say stupidly
"Okay. Register, if you landed good, yes? "
Heaven knows where Joko reserves the right to bow to me in the car down and let me kiss on the cheek. My Reactions may be slower but I turn my head away.
never again work colleagues. I've learned so now at least.
Joko close my car door and watched as I like driving and leaving a parking space. When I secretly lens in the rear view mirror, I see him-bye to me and get something, I can not possibly understand
alibi standard driving I get off the ground and searched me a couple of streets further parking in a driveway. I trust that, just for once not a cop comes by and at the Time and no one wants through the entrance. And if they do, I do
fears How do I get on the evening flight no more. Not until the next morning at 06:45 clock from Tegel. And it cost me eating measly 268 and 62 cents. Although I am not
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